In the News
Quote from Michael Stevens in a story about a woman who asked in Reddit's AITA about a woman who went through her purse at work. Newsweek (Sept. 16, 2022)
Article about our client who had his pinkie finger amputated due to the medical malpractice of the Oregon Dept. of Corrections. The Lund Report (July 22, 2021)
Story about a lawsuit we filed on behalf of our client, who was a nurse at a local jail. An inmate there had harassed our client in some bizarre and disturbing ways, and the jail had failed to stop this harassment. Willamette Week (Nov. 11, 2020)
Later story on the same case about our jail nurse. OregonLive (Nov. 22, 2021)
Side note about a settlement our client received in a claim against security guards Safeway hired, which that same security company had a similar problem later that made the news. OregonLive (Oct. 16, 2017)